Saturday, February 26, 2011


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TGIF. On this rainy friday, my boyfriend took me to Yves Saint Laurent to buy me an early birthday present! I was blown away. The ring I've been dying for was in stores and in my size (kind of) so it was just amazing! The "kind of" is fingers are unnecessary and it's not a 6 or a I had to make a very hard decision and I decided to do a size up..bcz the 6 was just too uncomfortable on my right fingers! :( BUT in the end it fits good enough and it's perfect! He's sure making my 21st a special one. I <3 you bf!

P.S. My beautiful ring will make its debut soooon!!
P.P.S. The first photo, that I borrowed from google images, was just so perfect and fitting for my outfit...I look like a shaggy old tree~hahah I love my furrrr!

Friday, February 25, 2011


Sun come out to play. These photos were taken a few weeks ago when the sun seemed like it wasn't going anywhere........But I was wrong...I feel like it's going to rain again this weekend..POOP! The weather was just wonderful this day~ enough breeze for me to put on my pink sweater (Urbanoutfitters) but hot enough for me to actually show off the sweater and not cover with some wintery jacket! 
(Shoes: Steve Madden oxfords)

Thursday, February 24, 2011


All of the Colors. These photos are so inspirational! I love the model's hair, her outfits, the props! It's amazing. I really want to play with colors, it can be a bit dangerous but I think we should all take risks! Good night world.
(Images via Vogue Spain March 2011)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Feeling a little girlie. Today the weather was amazing~ It was cold but the sun was out (I <3 those weathers). After taking a few photos at our church parking lot (hahahhaah) we went to grab some lunch and I spotted this pretty tree with amazing PINK flowers! It was wonderful~ perfect to add onto my "girlie mood" photos 

Monday, February 21, 2011


A little chilly. The weather was very sad this weekend (or till Saturday at least) and though it seems a little bright and dry in these photos.... later that day there was a freaking storm..creating pools of water on the streets....scary! But luckily I was able to snap away when there was no rain so thank goodness! I hope everyone stayed dried and safe this weekend :)

Friday, February 18, 2011


Meet FIFI. Hello Everyone! I was just browsing on and I came across this little gem! Isn't it just so adorable and feminine! I love it. Would love to rock these... just don't have an occasion for it.. sadly, but it would still be nice to call it my own someday :) I hope this weather clears up! no more rain pleaseeee :) 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


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Breezzzzy. Hello! hello! Excuse my silly faces :) I was in a silly mood hahah But I hope everyone else is having a good week! As for me... sadly unlike these photos SD is very gloomy and windy right now :( I wish it was sunny and breezy again~ I'm just in a better mood when the weather is bright- don't you all agree?? Well I can't wait for this weekend! I get to pick up my mug from Color Me Mine! I will show you guys the results.. hopefully it came out good (*crossing fingers*) 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Happy Valentine's Day. So on this wonderful Saturday, my bf & I spent our 7th Valentine's day together. It was so much fun! We had dinner in DT LA at Drago Centro-amazing! I wore this cute little sparkled jacket (from Urbanoutfitters) and this laced maxi skirt (from Forever 21). I hope everyone else had a great valentine's day <3 XOXO

Friday, February 11, 2011


TGIF. So it's Friday and I'm home for Valentine's day weekend :) My bf and I will be celebrating our 6th valentine's day this weekend (which I'm very excited about heheh) I will be doing a lot of uploading this weekend sooooo stay tuned :D <3<3

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Neutral Trend. (Images via Highlights Magazine). I just cannot get over these neutral tones, they are quite beautiful. I just love each of these pieces, the first image: dress-amazing! I would totally wear that out to dinner, second image: leotard- BOLD! hahah even though I would probably wear that once in my life BUT I still want to own it (I guess I can wear it as a top? what do you guys think? yes right?! hahah) third image: feathered dress-TOTALLY BLACK SWAN! hahah I've been reallly into feathers! (I mean after looking at Chanel's collection how can I not be attracted to feathers-who knew they were so beautiful on garments???) I love them all! INSPIRED to rock some neutral tones this weekend :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Sunny Saturday.It was so beautiful today! It was sunny & cold enough for me to pull out my fur collar while rocking my leopard shorts. These photos were taken on the streets of la crescenta right before I went inside to take the best nap ever! hahahah Hope everyone had an awesome weekend too!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Polka dots&studs. Hello everyone! These photos were taken a few days ago...when the sun was still out. The weather has been very sad/biploar in SD and I can't go outside without wearing either huge jackets or layers. Anyways, it's technically Wednesday.... and I'm going to be done with all my midterms this Thursday...but I am genuinely scared! ahhh I hate midterms, I hate school! byebye

P.S. wearing one of my favorite cardigans! (Urbanoufitters)